1) The capacity for blending
Here, the interest of one does not get
lost in the interest of a group. For each member of the group holds the
common goal of having the interests of each one become blended into an
outcome or goal that serves all.
Within each principle there are factors which can limit its individual
expression due to conflict with perceived needs, and there are
circumstances that resolve these conflicts at a higher level within the
new consciousness of unity. In the elaboration of each principle,
therefore, there is a section relating to these limiting emotional
factors, and also a section describing the resolution of conflict within
the framework of new experience.
In Principle 1), emotional factors that cause people to lose either their
individual perspective or the group's perspective, limiting the full
expression of 'blending', include:
- Lack of self-esteem, including feelings of not
fitting in with the group
- Lack of awareness of one's own perspective
- Judgment and stereotyping of the views of others
- Difficulty empathizing with others
- Excessive desire for approval rather than joining
- Need for power or control
Social factors that limit the full expression of 'blending' include:
- Group pressure toward homogeneity and agreement
- Lack of understanding regarding compromise and its
- Need for dominance of one member or clique
- Rivalry between members
- Lack of 'realness' of an overview that defines the
common purpose
- Inadequate bonding on a heart level so that only
one's own interests are taken into account
Resolution within the consciousness of unity:
Blending can take place to the extent that each perceives a
common sacred purpose that holds all together, a purpose that is based
in love. No matter what the focus of a group or how practical its aims,
the group's process must be seen as
part of its goal - a goal that is essentially spiritual and
Within this process and within the consciousness of unity, a desire
emerges based on the sense of oneness, that all needs be met and that
none be left out. This gives rise to a willingness to compromise or to
make sacrifices when necessary in order to achieve a common goal. The
striving to meet the needs of all is based on a belief that the
inclusion of all needs is possible
through alignment with truth, and that this truth can be discovered
through prayer and meditation that aligns the self with the higher
purposes of light. Such alignment opens the heart and clears the mind of
whatever self-protectiveness may remain. It creates empathy with the
perspectives of others, an understanding that truth has many faces,
respect for the views of others, and the direct perception of the
essential humanity and soul nature of each member of the group.