![]() Table of Contents
Principles of Sacred Consciousness
Sixth Principle of Personal
With God's help, to uphold our part
of the Covenant by sanctifying our human lives.
Purity as a way of being
As we seek to realize our true nature in
God's likeness we recognize the need to bring our lives into
greater balance. This new balance must be created by shifting
our current overemphasis on 'doing' to a fuller experience of
'being.' For it is in being that we realize our Divine essence
and contact the deeper levels of innocence, love, and trust
within us. These qualities are the outflow of the purity and
goodness at our core and are part of our Divine inheritance.
The imbalance between doing and being is
an expression of our shared experience of separation from God.
This separation and its internalized doubt that God is real has
been with us for a long, long time. In the course of living many
lifetimes in separation we have accumulated coping mechanisms
and ways of being in life that do not reflect the truth of our
reality as souls.
One of these, the overemphasis on being
productive, has tended to limit our identities. Through
compulsively keeping busy in an effort to feel special or
superior we have become distracted from the difficult feelings
that emerge when we are alone – from our imperfections, our
loneliness, our limitations, our longing for God. In our focus
on doing and on the external we have lost an essential part of
ourselves. In order to rectify this situation we need to
recover the vision of ourselves as souls, souls involved in a
dance with life in which life may be seen as an expression of
The history of looking outside ourselves
for validation has caused us to rise to the surface of
ourselves, accepting more superficial standards of worthiness
such as physical beauty or material wealth, or finding ourselves
attracted to power, not in order to serve but for the sake of
power alone. These standards were not created by us
individually, though they may be accepted or reinforced by us.
They are given to us by a culture that has experienced itself as
separated from God for a very long time. As we follow these
external standards of how to be, we are further split off from
our own inner sense of the way to live life. Questions regarding
the nature of right action or how to bring our innate
truthfulness and goodness into each moment, become more
Yet in the midst of these cultural
pressures, expectations, and standards it continues to be
possible to hear the still, small voice within us that is the
voice of truth and of uprightness. This voice calls to us to
live a life of purity in an impure world. It calls to us to
follow the dictates of our soul's longing for God as a guide to
right action and not the dictates of convention or social
pressure. It calls us to purity, to our God-given inner capacity
to know the truth and to follow it – to our God-given inner
ability to perceive that which is good and to become it.
Purity is the core of who we are, the
expression of the fundamental life-force within us stripped
clean of our fears, doubts, and needs to please others. Purity
is the freedom to be ourselves in the image and likeness of God.
Transcending the ego and human conditioning
As we move toward the purity at the
deepest levels of our being we shed layers of fear and doubt. We
shed conditioned expectations and false perceptions of who we
are. These false perceptions begin to separate out and to fall
away like layers of an onion being peeled. As each layer of
falseness or wrong-action is uncovered to our awareness we may
experience distress or pain. Yet there is also gratitude that a
layer of greater truthfulness can be seen underneath, and that
we can therefore make progress toward greater integrity of
self-expression in our lives.
Often past attempts to free ourselves of
impurities have failed and we have wondered why. The reason for
the persistence of certain traits or patterns of behavior lies
in the nature and function of our ego. This ego is the part of
our identity that came into being to serve us while we endured
the forgetting of our true essence. Its job is to successfully
manage life in a separated world. The ego evaluates how best to
fulfill personal desires, how to get needs met, how to preserve
self-esteem in threatening situations, and sometimes how to
preserve life itself. In purifying ourselves we must teach the
ego how to bend to the higher will that moves us. This higher
will seeks not only our own good, but the good of all. It
teaches us to receive the lessons of life with humility and love
and not to perpetuate an attitude of embattlement or
ego-dominance in relation to life experience.
The shift from ego-dominance to
ego-submissiveness with respect to Divine will cannot be made on
the psychological level alone through correct thought or through
positive mental affirmations, though these can be helpful. For
the roots of these ego-patterns are ancient and exist within our
unconscious minds and bodies. There they remain as memories of
attempts to successfully survive on the planet – mentally,
emotionally, and physically. These memories create conditioned
responses to need states as they arise within us, need states
that have been managed by the ego throughout time.
In order to change our relationship to
these need states, two things are needed: active attunement to
messages of love and truth coming from our soul or higher-self,
and receptivity to the experience of God's light coming to us
from without and from within. The first concerns our intention
to purify and to listen to the voice of our soul communicating
God's will. The second involves our willingness to receive God's
light through meditation and prayer, through association with
others in an atmosphere of light, or through grace alone. How
this transition occurs will differ from person to person, yet
these two things are needed so that the ego can assume its
rightful place in the Divine order within.
As we move through this transition it
becomes possible to bring new consciousness to old belief
systems. These belief systems must be dealt with patiently and
gently, recognizing that they once served a useful purpose for
us and cannot be let go of easily. As we confront these older
systems, whether they are expressed as a character defect, a
troublesome behavior, a false or limiting picture of ourselves,
or an energetic block, it is important to stay mindful of the
core of who we are. We do this by not identifying with the old
pattern of who we were, holding the understanding that it is no
longer necessary to pursue that line of thinking. We let go of
the old pattern by continuing to face ourselves honestly.
All aspects of our lives that carry the
energy of darkness and that represent wrong turns we have taken
on the path to wholeness need to be met with honesty, yet with
compassion and self-forgiveness, as well. Our prior mistakes
need to be observed and held in an atmosphere of non-judgment as
we correct our errors and ask for healing. Always, we must turn
to God for help in our healing process to accomplish what we
cannot do through our effort alone.
Having all of life be in God
Sanctifying our lives6
is not dependent on outer circumstance but on inner awareness.
It is a matter of soul readiness and soul purpose that,
together, create the situational opportunities for living a life
in God. The particular challenge and opportunity that each of us
is presented with at any point in time will be specific to our
individual needs for spiritual growth and healing and is a
matter of being able to perceive and to learn from what life
presents to us. Although each of our paths is unique, the way of
purification holds universal truths which enable us to unfold
greater consciousness and love, simply by responding to life
The possibility for living life in a
purer way, in a more sacred way, exists in every moment – in
illness, in loss, and even in death. As we grow we develop the
awareness that God's mercy and love are everpresent. Life seen
in this way becomes purposeful, filled with the meaning of each
experience. It also becomes joyful, with a newfound sense of
safety and trust replacing the sense of fear and worry that we
have lived with for so long.
Becoming fully receptive to life's
sacredness is often a gradual process, one in which the experience
of God's Presence within life becomes more and more apparent as
it manifests through the flow of ordinary events. As fears and
attachments loosen, we let go of conditioned attitudes and roles
we have felt compelled to play and become freer to respond to
all of life with our true selves. This freedom to be ourselves
is defined by our participation in each moment and by the
quality of heart and mind we bring to it. Within each moment's
experience we become free to learn and grow, to change with each
encounter, to operate freely and fluidly as the continually
evolving sacred beings that we are.
In the course of one day's living many
decisions arise that need to be made. These decisions can be
made from the perspective of who we were taught we were or who
we thought we should be, or they can be based on the sense of
truth that each of us carries within. Our daily choices, both
small and large, can become increasingly based on God's will for
us as it unfolds within our awareness and on our growing sense
of purpose for being here on the earth.
The more we learn to follow our inner
guidance the simpler our lives become. The pressure and stress
of living an outer-directed life dissolves as we slow down and
focus solely on what is before us and what is within us. As we
accept the perfection of life in each moment we naturally move
in rhythm and harmony with all of life and many things become
The Body
When all of life is lived in God then
that part of our life that concerns our bodies and our physical
existence must also be sanctified. Living a purified life
entails healing our unconsciousness in relation to our bodies,
as well as our hearts and minds. We begin with an active process
of cleansing and nourishing the body through a diet based on
natural foods and an elimination of toxic substances. By
choosing to nourish ourselves carefully and with respect we
begin to heal the damage done during years and lifetimes of lack
of care. Cleansing the body can take many forms but attention to
the food that we eat and to the level of health we maintain are
basic parts of it.
The purification of body, heart, and mind
can take place simultaneously or there can be a primary focus on
one area and then another. Eventually all must be made whole and
all must be made holy, so that our lives can reflect sacredness
in every action, word, and thought.
Fulfilling our sacred pledge to become a
holy people
The sanctifying of our human lives is a
sacred aspect of our Covenant7
with God – a Covenant in which we pledge to love and serve God
as a holy people, and God promises to uphold us in all that we
do. Readiness to fulfill our commitment is demonstrated by the
way in which we live each moment of our human experience. This
Covenant embodies two acts of faithfulness: an act of
faithfulness on God's part toward that which He has created, and
an act of faithfulness on our parts as we strive to embody the
standards of goodness and purity that are being asked of us.
It is the longing to live more of life in
God that opens our vision to those areas of our lives still in
need of purification. This is not an easy process, for we must
face the consequences of our experience of separation again and
again witnessing our feelings of powerlessness, shame,
self-judgment, and hopelessness. The expanding love within us,
however, as we rediscover God's presence in life becomes the
motivating force that enables us to go to ever-deepening levels
of purification.
With each face-to-face encounter with an
emotion or behavior that is not worthy of a sacred being we
pause and allow space for healing. Closing the eyes and taking
deep breaths helps us to go within to the place of self-love and
self-forgiveness. With the assistance of our higher selves we
release shame and self-judgment, and with gentleness,
compassion, and love acknowledge that we have survived past
circumstances the best way we knew how. Asking God to assist us
in healing our limitations and to reveal to us new and better
ways of coping will help change these longstanding forms of
As we trust God more we can also trust
the unfoldment of our process more, avoiding both the pitfall of
thinking that we have arrived at a spiritual goal when we have
not, and the pitfall of feeling excessively discouraged when the
need states we seek to heal seem to remain unchanged. A
productive attitude to hold in the midst of this is one of hope
– hope which affirms that one day we will no longer need to
operate with the deficits or limitations that we presently feel.
This focus on incremental progress rather than perfection, will
help us to stay open to the possibility of further healing.
Where we focus our attention at any point
in time is a matter of trust and of surrender. We remind
ourselves that God is overseeing our healing process and that
the exact point of focus that will maximize our return to
wholeness and purity will be shown to us if we are available to
life in each moment. The extent to which we can stay spiritually
awake and receive the teaching of each moment, is the extent to
which we can become direct participants in sanctifying our lives
and in upholding our part of the Covenant.
The spiritual practices of prayer,
meditation, and alignment become aids to us in the process of
making our lives sacred. As we practice centering ourselves in
our hearts we more easily access the hope and commitment that
can sustain us as we wait for changes to occur in our outer and
inner lives. By doing what we can without becoming controlling
or fearful, by learning to wait patiently and with an attitude
of self-love, by expressing gratitude for what has already
occurred in our spiritual transformation, we anchor our
commitment to God and to the Covenant at the most profound
levels of our being.
§ § §
"To act in the consciousness of Love, even
about the small things in one's day, recognizing all
circumstances as coming from God and striving to feel the
presence of the Divine Being while performing each action – this
is to begin to live in the high state of consciousness that is
naturally yours."
Teaching the Heart to Sing