Principles of Sacred Consciousness

Ninth Principle of Planetary Transformation
The structure of the Principles of Sacred Consciousness community is formulated out of the purity of intention to serve others.
As detailed in the Second Principle of Planetary Transformation, spiritual nourishment is the foundation for the spiritualizing of any structure or system. The overriding characteristics of an addictive system are conflict, fragmentation, and rigidity–qualities that prevent nourishment within that system from occurring. By contrast, the overriding characteristics of a healthy system are flexibility, unity, and cooperation which allow for the greatest nourishment of the whole.
The near-universality of addictive traits within systems rests in the fact that most systems are comprised of individuals still very active in addictive process. Therefore, the qualities of addiction residing within individual consciousness get transferred to the system. As individuals begin their return to wholeness through recovery and purification this pattern changes. With greater purity, individuals are empowered to bring more of their whole selves to the group process, their participation becomes increasingly conscious, and there is a greater desire for service to others and to God.
Principles of Sacred Consciousness sees the establishment and expansion of a spiritual community taking place in stages. These stages are parallel to the stages of healing and consecration that individuals undergo as part of their purification process. Within organizations, growth in this direction is supported by two essential features: selfless leadership and 'process consciousness.'
Selfless leadership within Principles of Sacred Consciousness follows the understanding that the 'higher serves the lower'. This statement reflects the idea that those in authority must be able to listen and to hear the wants and needs of those they serve and to respond to these needs from a consciousness of love. Those who qualify for this level of responsibility are those who have the greatest commitment to the spiritual goals of the community.
Process consciousness is based on individual and collective attunement to divine will and divine love and forms the basis for all decision making within the community. As structures grow and heal, the experience of process consciousness becomes embedded within the fabric of the organization itself, and those elements that are coercive or that involve structural limit-setting are let go of in favor of more flexible arrangements. This assists both individuals and groups in becoming more responsive and responsible as members of a cooperative system.
All systems grow in purity as healing takes place, just as individuals do. As more nourishment occurs through God's light and love, the system itself becomes purer and cooperation, harmony, and flexibility become the climate in which selfless leadership and process consciousness can take place. All systems are capable of expanding their consciousness; all are capable of being healed. The movement is always one of eliminating rigidity and inflexibility found in rules, policies, and regulations, and incorporating flexible guidelines that evolve as the system matures and as it is progressively inspired by attunement to divine will. Our commitment to this gives Spirit the authority to determine the direction of our individual and collective lives and teaches us to serve others with selflessness and love.
At this time, Principles of Sacred Consciousness is just beginning to go out into the world. Consequently, specific structure has not been fully formulated with respect to leadership and process consciousness. All twelve Principles of Planetary Transformation provide the basis for structural clarity to become known and to manifest in God's time. This undertaking must be met with courage as we venture into the unknown and take risks on behalf of the many who will follow in our footsteps.